Den Osynliga Världen 2023
trio exhibition with Hertha Hanson and Katrin Westman at Kristinehamn Konstmuseum, Sweden

The Invisible World 2023
MATERIAL: tree, alabaster and selenite
DIMENSIONS: 220 x 175 x 175 cm

Uncommon Deities 2021
MATERIAL: Piezography, framed
DIMENSIONS: 150 x 100 cm

The Pink Light 2023
MATERIAL: 300 books, 3 sitting element and a triangle of light
DIMENSIONS: 700 x 600 x 80 cm

Books: The Pink Light stories and collages

Move Me Mountain 2023
MATERIAL: collage: vintage photography and pastel
DIMENSIONS: 150 x 150 cm

Pink Rocks 2020
MATERIAL: Piezography, framed
DIMENSIONS: 150 x 100 cm